
Study trip to Tallin, Estonia

On 8-13 February, Azerbaijani delegation consisting of representatives from government, business, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) attended a study trip to Tallinn, Estonia organized by JA Estonia and JA Azerbaijan in the framework of the European Union-funded “Entrepreneurship Education for Youth” project. The 5 days study trip aimed to facilitate the exchange of experiences and to introduce Estonian strategy in promoting entrepreneurship and financial literacy.

The working group of the project included Orkhan Abbasov from the Ministry of Education, Sevinj Mammadova and Ayten Pashayeva from JA Azerbaijan, Sevinj Rustamova from Azerbaijan Micro-finance Association, Irada Mammadova from Barama Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center and Fidan Tofidi from Azercell Telecom. They had a very interesting experience in learning of know-how, planning and implementing of entrepreneurial education for youth.

On the first days of the visit, the Azerbaijani delegation attended Student Company Trade Fair and was acquainted with students’ products. They met teachers and students from the local schools and gymnasium. On the next days, there were hold meetings with representatives from government, business and incubation centers. Very informative meetings were also organized at the SEB Bank and Garage48.

JA Estonia arranged very valuable meetings with the representatives from Estonian Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economy, in order to provide insight on national policy and strategy planning on entrepreneurship and financial literacy. These governmental agencies are very active in supporting and promoting entrepreneurial education and financial literacy in Estonia.

JA Estonia is among the leading organizations that is involved directly in entrepreneurial education and supported by the government. During the visit Azerbaijani delegation had a chance to get more information about their programs taught at the schools and the role of the CSOs in delivery of the entrepreneurial education and financial literacy.

Oxşar Xəbərlər

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